Others Crafts with waste material

How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: February 13, 2017
How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials
Image: homemydesing.com

Recycled crafts are more fashionable than ever before, and some materials that you use on a daily basis can help you to create a great, creative space for very little money. We've already shown you some crafts with plastic bottles in oneHOWTO, as well as key ideas to make a candle holder with fabric, but this time, it's the turn of cans. Do you know that you can turn them into great candleholders? If you are looking for inspiration to start this project, read on because this oneHOWTO explains how to make a candle holder out of a tin can in an easy way.

You may also be interested in: How to Make Crafts Out of Tin Cans
  1. Hanging candle holders using cans
  2. Pegs and cans, the best combination
  3. Wrap your cans in your favorite print
  4. The classic tin can candle holder
  5. The ideal style for a vintage look
  6. Wrap your can and hey presto!

Hanging candle holders using cans

There are many ways you can make a candle holder out of a tin can. Instead of using the typically large cans, you can opt for large tuna cans to create this great and simple alternative.

You will need

  • Large tuna can
  • Soapy water
  • Adhesive paper or washi tape


  1. Before you start to make whichever design, you need to thoroughly wash the cans and remove the label and any sticky adhesive.
  2. Once your can is ready, you can cover it with an adhesive paper of your choice, making sure it is completely smooth and stuck to the can.
  3. All you have to do then is hang the cans wherever you want in your home and place one candle inside each can.
  4. Light them on a special night and wow everyone.
How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials - Hanging candle holders using cans
Image: 123inmuebles.com.ve

Pegs and cans, the best combination

Are you looking for a way to make candle holders with cans which is even simpler? Then we're sure you'll love our next suggestion. Collect as many tuna cans as you want and start making this amazingly easy DIY candleholder!

You will need

  • Tuna can
  • Clothes pegs
  • Candle


  1. Once the cans are perfectly clean, peg wooden pegs around the can. The pegs can be light in color as shown in the image or darker if you want a slightly more elegant result.
  2. When you're ready to put the candle inside, make sure that it is placed inside a small glass candle holder, just so that the pegs don't burn.
How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials - Pegs and cans, the best combination
Image: traef.net

Wrap your cans in your favorite print

Another simple and equally beautiful solution is to paint the cans and then cover them with scraps of your favorite fabrics. This is an equally simple job that allows you create your own handicraft style, whilst using some pieces of cloth that you have at home at the same time.

You will need

  • Old fabric
  • White glue
  • Small tin can


  • Measure the amount of fabric you need to surround the can.You can use just one fabric or create a patchwork design with different patterns.
  • Apply the white glue around the tin can and stick the fabric.
  • Let it dry and place an appropriately sized candle inside and enjoy this beautiful and simple handicraft.
How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials - Wrap your cans in your favorite print
Image: chiclowcost.wordpress.com

The classic tin can candle holder

Now, if you're really good with your hands and you love spending time making handicrafts, then you won't find it hard to make tin can candle holders that have a more classic look, perfect for decorating any space.

You will need

  • Tall tin cans
  • Paper
  • Hammer
  • Nails


  1. Wash the cans well and remove the labels and all the glue.
  2. Dry the can well, wrap it in a sheet of paper and design the pattern you want to carve onto the can. If you don't want anything complicated, you can simply draw random holes.
  3. With the help of a hammer and a nail that's as thick as the holes you intend to make, use them to make patterns on the can following your design. Tap the nail accurately but with some force so that the holes are even.
  4. When you've finished, wrap the inside of the can with paper and then paint it outside with a spray in the color of your choice.
  5. Ready! It took some work but the end result is worth it.
How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials - The classic tin can candle holder
Image: estiloydeco.com

The ideal style for a vintage look

If you prefer a retro look, then all you have to do is take all those vintage cans that you have at home and fill them with candles that fit. The real work here will be in preparing the candle but you only need a little skill to achieve it, whilst following the detailed steps in our article on how to make candles from crayons.

How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials - The ideal style for a vintage look
Image: due-home.com

Wrap your can and hey presto!

Another good option for can candle holders which isn't too complicated, involves wrapping cans with rope or dry twigs. These are two great alternatives that are ideal for minimalist or rustic homes to give an incredible look to your spaces. Then you only have to place a candle inside and show off your new and handmade decorative item.

How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials - Wrap your can and hey presto!
Image: pinterest.com

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials, we recommend you visit our Art & handicraft category.

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Image: homemydesing.com
Image: 123inmuebles.com.ve
Image: traef.net
Image: chiclowcost.wordpress.com
Image: estiloydeco.com
Image: due-home.com
Image: pinterest.com
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How to Make a Candle Holder out of a Tin Can - 5 DIY Tutorials