The Best Craft Ideas with Light Bulbs - 5 DIY Tutorials

Not sure what to do with the light bulbs piling up at home? Although throwing them out in the proper recycling bin is a good choice, you can also reuse them and give them new creative purposes. You can make all kinds of DIY decorations that are very original and easy to make with little more than a light bulb. So keep reading this oneHOWTO article and discover some of the best craft ideas with light bulbs.
Bulbs as a vase or planter
You can literally give a light bulb new life by making it an original flowerpot or vase for plants and flowers. This way you can make an inanimate object come to life and let a plant grow inside. Take a look at the instructions:
You will need
- 1 light bulb
- Tweezers or nose pliers
- Craft cutter
- Water or soil
- Plant or flower
- String or wire
- Pierce the cap with a craft cutter or similar and remove the filaments using needle nose pliers or tweezers.
- Then fill the bulb with water or soil depending on the type of plant or flower that you want to put inside.
- Support it with a wire or hang it up with a string. Thus, the bulb will look great as a pot or vase and bring joy to your home.

Light bulbs for salt and oil
To reuse light bulbs another idea on our list of best crafts is to give them a new culinary use. With very little you can make an original salt shaker or oil and vinegar containers that will delight all your guests.
You will need
- Craft cutter
- Tweezers
- Soap
- Salt, ground pepper, vinegar or oil.
- Cork
- Silicon caps
- Again, empty the bulb by piercing the cap with a craft cutter and get rid of all the wiring.
- Wash it well because it will contain food and should be carefully cleaned with soap and water or even by adding a little bleach to disinfect it.
- Once rinsed and dried, fill it with salt or oil and vinegar and put a cork or stopper in the hole of the cap so it doesn't spill. Use a craft knife to easily carve the piece of cork so it fits the top of the bulb perfectly.
- To get it to stay upright, you can use adhesive silicone caps that you can find in any hardware store.

Alcohol lamp with lightbulbs
First of all, note that this idea to make crafts with light bulbs is a bit more complicated and it is important to be careful to avoid any accidents, as converting light bulbs into alcohol or oil lamps works by burning a wick.
You will need
- Craft knife
- Tweezers
- Wick or old rope
- Alcohol
- Melted wax
- Carefully pierce the cap to remove everything from the inside without making the hole too big.
- This is where the wick goes, which you can buy in stores or you can simply use an old rope instead.
- Then fill the bulb with alcohol or lamp oil.
- Use some melted wax to cover any gaps that the hole may have so that the fire never touches the alcohol directly.
- Leave it to dry and light.

Terrarium lightbulb
Making a small terrarium is similar to our first suggestion to take advantage of old bulbs you have lying around at home. You'll need sand to fill the bulb and plants suitable for terrariums; we recommend that you visit a store or garden center where they can advise you on the best ones.
Long tweezers, like the ones nurses use, will be very helpful in placing the plants in the mini-terrarium.
You will need
- Craft knife
- Long tweezers
- Earth
- Succulents
- Pebbles
- Activated charcoal
- Like in the rest of the cases, carve out the cap and remove the content on the light bulb.
- Add the pebbles to drain the water and very small amount of activated charcoal which will help you filter the air.
- Now add around 2 cm of soil.
- With the help of the long tweezers, create a hole where your succulent will go.
- Remove the succulent from its original pot and place it in the hole with your tweezers.
- Cover the area with more soil.
- You can tie some string to the top and hang your terrarium from the ceiling, it will look amazing!

Christmas decorations with light bulbs
Even though this is something a bit more seasonal, you can also be very creative and use light bulbs to make recycled ornaments for the Christmas tree. Thus you can decorate your home with very little money and much more originally. For this you don't necessarily need to empty the bulbs, because when you paint them you'll cover everything inside.
You can convert light bulbs into Christmas characters like snowmen or Santa Claus, or you can just paint them and cover them with glitter. Free your imagination and decorate the tree with recycled materials!

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