Making paint

How to Make Homemade Eco-Friendly Paint

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: June 5, 2018
How to Make Homemade Eco-Friendly Paint

We have become increasingly concerned about the environment and our pocket. At OneHowTo we are the same so in today's article we suggest some good ideas for you to make your own house paint. Are you up for it? This is a craft based on recycling so you can save some money on your home, while also doing your bit to preserve and protect the planet. And not only this, synthetic paints are known to emanate lots of dangerous gases that can have serious problems for our health. We are very concerned about outdoor air quality but we spend most of the day indoors, breathing the particles that things such as paint in the walls emanate. Indoor air quality is very important and can plays a very important role in our health, for this reason is important to know how to paint the walls in a more natural way so your health can benefit from that. In this article we explain everything you need to know about how to make homemade eco-friendly paint.

You'll need:

  • Milk
  • 5ml white vinegar
  • 50g white chalk or lime
  • Pot
  • Water
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Steps to follow:


Patience, a little spare time and some other ingredients are all you need to make eco-friendly paint. But first, don't forget to write down all the ingredients you will need for this craft, which are listed at the end of our article.


When you have everything you need, pour 1 litre of milk into a pot and place on the heat and just before it boils, take the pot off. Once off the heat, add 5ml of vinegar, preferably white vinegar, while stirring slowly. Use a strainer to separate the lumpy part that will be needed for our homemade eco-friendly paint. We don't need the rest.

How to Make Homemade Eco-Friendly Paint - Step 2

To give our paint a splash of colour dissolve about 50g of lime or chalk in a little water before adding this mixture to our earlier one. Then stir well until your paint is completely even and has the right consistency to paint with. And to get the desired colour in our homemade eco-friendly paint don't forget that you can change all these amounts, adding in more water or chalk.


And remember also that this type of eco-friendly paints are mainly used indoors and on surfaces such as plaster or cement. However, it is not recommended to use on metal, plastic and shiny materials.

How to Make Homemade Eco-Friendly Paint - Step 4

You might need to paint a very big room and this system of creating eco-friendly paint might not work for you. But there is another simple way in which you can paint your walls without using synthetic paints bad for your health. Painting your walls with lime is a very easy and green alternative, much cheaper than synthetic paints and much healthier. If, on the contrary, you don't want to create your own paint but still want to paint your walls in a sustainable way, there is a huge variety of ecological paints on stores that don't contain any synthetic materials.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Homemade Eco-Friendly Paint, we recommend you visit our Crafts & leisure category.

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How to Make Homemade Eco-Friendly Paint