How to make coasters from CDs

It's sure that you have heaps of CDs and DVDs in the house that you do not use, right? Do not throw them away! A great way to reuse old discs is to recycle them: turn them into coasters. This is a simple and economical way to develop a craft from recycled materials that surely will impress your guests. Do not miss this article and discover how to make coasters from CDs.
Steps to follow:
The first thing you should do is find any CDs or DVDs you no longer going to use or, for example, that are scratched; now you can recycle them to make coasters. It doesn't matter if one side is written or printed on, because you won't see it.

Then you have to trace around the outline of the disc with a pencil on a piece of thin cardboard or felt paper. This will serve to cover the centre hole of the CD, so you'll need two circles per coaster. Next, cut them out using scissors.

The next step in making coasters out of old DVDs or CDs is to glue the cardboard circles onto each of the disks. For this, you must apply glue on each of the faces and stick the card. You can use a brush to spread it more evenly.

Then you must perform these same steps with a fabric that you like that will actually serve as cover and design of the coasters. So, draw circles on the fabric, cut them out and glue them on to the CD.

You can choose to do all the coasters the same or use different scraps for a fun coaster game with recycled CDs.
At OneHowTo, we love reusing recycled materials to decorate. Get some more ideas here:

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