Creative crafts for children

How to make a fish from a plastic glove

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
How to make a fish from a plastic glove

Want to have fun with your kids doing an economical, easy craft, which you and your kids can play with? You just need a clear plastic glove, like those you can get at the supermarkets or petrol stations and something to fill it With. You can make a very funny fish from this glove. Follow these instructions and you can make a very original fish from a plastic glove.

You'll need:

  • Clear plastic glove
  • Coloured tissue paper, cellophane or cloth to fill the glove.
  • Permanent marker
  • Zeal
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Steps to follow:


Grab a clear plastic glove.

How to make a fish from a plastic glove - Step 1

Fill it with tissue paper, cellophane, fabric or anything similar that will colour the glove. To fill the fingers, you should cut the paper or whatever that you want to fill it with into small pieces.

How to make a fish from a plastic glove - Step 2

After filling the fingers, fill the rest of the glove until it's quite full but leaving a space where the opening is.

How to make a fish from a plastic glove - Step 3

Close opening with a piece of tape.

How to make a fish from a plastic glove - Step 4

Knot the plastic as shown.

How to make a fish from a plastic glove - Step 5

Draw eyes and scales with a permanent marker and there you have a lovely fish made from a plastic glove.

How to make a fish from a plastic glove - Step 6

If you want to read similar articles to How to make a fish from a plastic glove, we recommend you visit our Art & handicraft category.


  • If you do not have clear plastic gloves you can also use latex gloves. The good thing about these gloves is that you don't need to fill them with anything because you can inflate them like a balloon and tie a knot in the end. If you want to colour the fish, paint the glove with paint or permanent markers.
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How to make a fish from a plastic glove